If you truly want your organization to achieve perpetual growth, you need to have a magnetic why. You need to unleash limitless talent. You need to accelerate cultural cohesion. You need to facilitate strategic alignment. And you need to STOP believing that talent can’t be quantified. In my conversation with Natalie Benamou on “HerCsuite Radio,” we discuss how to overcome the myths and focus on the strategy that will enable you to grow on purpose.
In this interview, you’ll learn:
What CHROs say are their biggest pain points… and what their deepest fear truly is
The biggest disconnect between HR leaders and the rest of the business
How to get business leaders to OWN the talent strategy
How HR can step into their strategic role more fully
Why your business’s growth strategy is doomed to fail without THIS
How to strengthen your existing culture to achieve perpetual growth
A simple way to combine two cultures and amplify your success
“While it is not solely HR’s responsibility to build out the talent plan, it is HR’s role to get the business to understand why that alignment is mission-critical.”
Boost the alignment between your talent plan and your business strategy.